Welcome to the W7ZOI Web Site 
            Wes Hayward     Latest Site Update  March 15, 2025      

Menu: Click on a box of interest.
                articles including some old ones. Lots of filter info. Some
                mountain hikes and climbs. Old (and
                some recent) hikes that included amateur radio. The W7ZOI
                ham shack, then and now, plus some note on ham friends. Errata
                for EMRFD and an article here or there.  

Mt. Mystery from Deception Basin, Olympic National Park, Washington.     

See Updated information on FREE PARTS from KE6F.

Click here to see a photo of my brother, Dennis Hayward (1944-2023)   RIP Den.

The w7zoi dot net page is hosted
by Hayward Web Design.   Thanks Tom!

  email:  You can get in touch with me at [w7zoi][@][arrl.net]          Remove the [brackets] for a valid email address.