Field Day, 2018, W7ZOI and N7FKI
Wes Hayward, w7zoi 27June2018
This was an interesting year for Field Day.
Conditions were reasonable, although not stellar.
The thing that added real excitement occurred in the days
leading up to FD weekend. Let me elaborate:
Bob and I had scouted some possible sites on Monday and Tuesday
in the week before the event. We finally settled on
Cobb Meadow. The Cobb family had, for years occupied
this land and had extracted gravel and rock from nearby Sexton
Mountain, delivering the material to local construction
sites. They lived on the hill near the meadow where
they kept several horses. When Mr. Cobb died, he
willed this meadow to the local park district,
THPRD. I confirmed through an email to
THPRD that the meadow is presently available for use, even
though there are no signs. The major
attraction for FD was a long row of Giant Sequoia on the west
edge of the meadow. Most are 100 ft high, having
been planted as ornamental trees in the 1920s and
1930s. The Giant Sequoia is native to
California where it grows to monumental proportions, and is a
popular ornament in the wetter coastal parts of the Pacific
Saturday arrived; Bob and I headed out, excited for the fun of
Field Day. We hiked across the meadow to the treed
area we had chosen only to discover that one of the Sequoia was
gone! Well, it was not really gone, but had been
reduced to a pile of debris on the ground. We had a
lightning storm on Wednesday (June 20th) that caused many local
problems. This 100 ft Sequoia was one
casualty. The photo below shows the remains.

There were numerous other trees that allowed us to get antennas
in the air. Bob put up an end fed half wave for 20
meters and I erected a 40 meter inverted-Vee. Both of us
wish that our antennas were higher, but that is always the
case. Both of us operated our respective bands and
had a lot of fun. Photos are shown below. Both
of us used Elecraft KX2 transceivers. These are great
little rigs, although I'll confess to missing my own
rigs. I used the KX2 interior battery pack for an
entire afternoon at 5 watts. Modern battery technology is
Bob and I left after a few hours of operation, although both of
us wished for more action. Bob got on the air from
home for a few additional contacts on Saturday
evening. I did the same on Sunday morning,
catching some Es propagation on 10 M CW.
Here's a shot of Bob operating 20
CW. The chair and portable table are new additions
to Bob's setup.
Here's 'zoi at the 40 meter
This is a closer look at the
40 meter gear.