Visitors at W7ZOI, May 15,
2017 (updated, 17May2017, 28Feb2019)
Ashhar Farhan, VU2ESE, in "
the shack" at W7ZOI
The Geekfest
When Farhan told us that he and Humera were coming to the USA,
we invited them to visit the Pacific Northwest and they
accepted. I then started to work with Farhan to
assemble a list of people he might want to meet.
What we came up with was a list of some of the local homebrew
enthusiasts, many of them folks that Farhan had met through
correspondence. We then put a "meeting" together at our
house to welcome Farhan and Humera to the US. Bob
Culter came up with the term "Geekfest" to describe the event.
One major disappointment was that Bob Larkin, W7PUA, was not
able to attend. He and Farhan have many mutual
A bunch of us gathered to welcome Farhan to the
Homebrew Projects:
A week or two before Farhan's arrival, Roger and I were talking
about the visit. We were trying to come up with
things that would be of interest to Farhan. We had
already assembled a list of people that Farhan might like to
meet. Roger suggested that he might bring his
original Ugly Weekender over for him to see. As I
thought about the suggestion, it struck me that it might be
really interesting to have everyone bring a homebrew project for
a "show and tell" session, so that became a
criterion. Farhan seemed to get a
kick out of this and took photos of the various projects along
with their creator. The photos that Farhan
took with his cell phone follow.
Here's Roger, KA7EXM, with the original "Ugly Weekender" from
QST, August, 1981. That's when we did the
transmitter, which is the bottom two
boxes. Roger added the receiver portion
(the top box) a few years later, converting it into a
transceiver. This rig was our "formal"
introduction of Ugly Construction to the amateur
community. This was an attempt to encourage
builders to work with schematic diagrams and concepts rather
than always needing a printed circuit board.
Incidentally, Farhan uses Ugly Construction in many of his
projects. (Farhan photo.)
Here's a really old one shown by Jeff, WA7MLH. This
is a two band receiver for 80 and 40 meter
CW. This is one that we designed
together. Jeff built it and we then debugged and measured
it here before it was eventually included in Solid-State-Design.
See SSD, page 101. This was our solid state version
of the band imaging receivers that were found in the ARRL
Handbooks in the 1950s. Jeff brought a very
large box of other projects to display, showing Farhan many of
his more recent efforts. (Farhan
Here we have Rick and Roy talking about those good ole rigs that
they had built. This Field Day transceiver
covers the 20 and 15 meter CW bands. It's also a
band imaging design with an IF at 3.58 MHz using a 5 element
crystal filter. The output power amplifier for
this rig is shown in Fig 2.99 on page 2.36 of EMRFD.
(Farhan photo.)

Here we see Bob, N7FKI, tuning the High Sensitivity Crystal Set
that he described in QST for January, 2007. The
large loop on the right side of the photo can be used for
enhanced sensitivity. Note that there is no outside
antenna or ground for this crystal receiver. It still
worked. (Farhan photo.)
The original AD8307 Power Meter
(w7zoi and w7pua, QST, June, 2001) is being shown to
Farhan. The original ugly breadboard version of the 1998
QST spectrum analyzer is on the bench just below the large
meter. (Farhan photo.)
Here we have Rick (KK7B), Roy
(W7EL), Farhan (VU2ESE), and Jeff (WA7MLH) trading stories about
homebrew rigs and experiments. (Farhan
Here's Rick, KK7B, with his R1 "Classic 40" direct conversion
receiver that appeared in August 1992 QST. I'm told
it still works. (Farhan photo.)
What "show and tell" session would be complete without Roy
(W7EL) showing off his classic Optimized QRP Transceiver from
August 1980 QST? (Farhan photo.)
Bob, N7FKI, and Rick, KK7B, are
listening attentively while viewing a large RF power transistor
in the foreground. If old vacuum tube
folks can display their old 4-1000 power tetrodes, it seems
reasonable that we can show off old monster bipolar
transistors. This part was built in 1963 or a
little earlier. (Farhan
The rest of the folks attending:
There were a few more folks joining us for
Pizza. Charlene (a.k.a., Shon) Hayward took
care of the food and the hospitality. Mark Hansen,
KI7N, joined us but missed out on the
photos. (It really had nothing to do with Mark
having forgotten to bring his homebrew X-Band
transverter. We still gave him some
Pizza.) Joe Heil, KF7FME, brought a BITX-40 SSB
transceiver that he just got packaged. This was an
early version of one of Farhan's products from the
Internet. Finally, Kerri Hayward (Roger's
wife) joined us, enjoying a visit with Humera.
The Key
Farhan presented each of us with a homebrew hand key built by
his friend in India, Sankar, VU3XVR. My
version is shown below. I'm hoping that we can all
put them on the air for the next SKN. See
for another view of one of these keys by the
builder. Many thanks to Farhan for the
wonderful gift. (Update: This gem has become my key
of choice when using a straight key.)

Some light rain to end the visit.
Farhan and his wife, Humera, were headed for
Seattle after visiting us. They were picked up by their
friend Rashid. We were going to take a very short
walk this morning so I could show them the woods south of our
house. Alas, we had hardly left the yard when it started
to rain. Some of us did get up to the woods, but we
encountered some
rain in the process. We quickly converged back
under our front porch. The photo shows Farhan, Rashid,
Humera, and myself. Farhan commented that rain this
light is a rarity in India.